Oh and just know that Sept. 15th is a bitter day so if you're not comfortable with negative stories then skip it.
But before I go on about any of this... I want to keep in memory of a good friend, Matthew Barton.
He was a really cool guy. We haven't spoken all that much but I knew he was a great friend to have. It's still a shock to know that he passed away. He's still so young. Younger than me, if I'm not mistaken. He'll be missed by a lot of friends and family. I do. RIP, Matthew. I wish for a lot of things but most of all... I know you're in a better place and remain a fond part of many people's hearts.
Nothing important about this date but look at this:
Ever since I've been to college, I've been doing this.
It's just a rough draft of my homework assignment.
I now made a habit of just jotting down the answers first before re-writing my paper completely.
It helps make my answers look and sound less like crap lol.
That's all. xD
Okay. This is the first time I've tried a restaurant called, Tanaka Saimin. I've already been there twice now, but this day was my first lol. The food there is deliciousss.
Suzuki's strawberry jello with vanilla ice cream.
She couldn't take her eyes off of this on the menu so she got it after she ate her lunch.
It was really good, believe me.
My mom's sweet potato haupia.
I actually don't know the real name of the desert but that's what I know it contains lol.
It was alright. I don't care for sweet potato honestly.
Oh yeah. There was a party city next door so we checked it out before leaving the area.
Found a YuGiOh mask. xD
If only they had a Kaiba mask. THEN, I would get this for kicks.
One of the tiniest baskets I've ever seen.
Then we were driving out of the area and I had a good view of the two places lol.
But damn this red car... Trolled me lol.
Much better.
But the tree is blocking Party City. xD
Theeen, we went to 7 Eleven to grab a soda.
The soda machine wasn't working, but I took my time looking at random stuff.
Like this.
I've never seen a candy necklace in the longest time lol.
Again. Nothing too significant about this day but check this out:
Two guys I knew came randomly by during my break in college and did this to a penny right in front of Suzuki and I.
They had a some sort of scissors that could cut through copper. It was pretty cool.
It was my day off from college, but I had to go see my Audiologist since it's been six months since my last check-up.
And yes, I have an Audiologist. He's really funny and all so I feel like he's the only doctor that I can trust. I mean, I do trust some doctors but there were times where they messed up plenty. He also seems to brighten up around me since I'm one of the fewest patients who's the youngest he's ever had to work with. I don't know but that's just me lol.
But yeah. This is 9/11. It didn't really feel like it. To be honest, I kinda don't like to dwell on the dead and all. I get it that the families who lost those people will probably keep this tradition and I respect that, but I try my best to act as if this day would be just some ordinary day. Yes, those people who died are heroes. That's just my opinion lol.
In the elevator after my appointment.
All the walls are mirrored lol. Kinda creepy yet cool.
The day I got my haircut! xD It's been three months and I really needed one.
I didn't take photos of myself on that day but I did one or two days after lol.
I felt like wearing my power ranger shirt lol.
Anyway, back to the photos I took on the actual day...
Had to go pick up Suzuki after school but she needed to get a signature for an assignment.
This is the long hallway that the instructors hide after their classes.
It was so narrow that I felt a little uncomfortable lol.
After that, we went straight to town to get to our hairdresser.
We just made it but we panicked because we forgot the floor number.
So we guessed the 7th floor...
And we found it. xD Lucky guess.
And it was supposed to be me, Suzuki, and our mom that were getting our haircuts.
But our mom had to go to a doctor's appointment and they wanted her ASAP.
Didn't help that our hairdresser is booked so she had to go to the doctor's and try rush to town.
She made it, though, but she just had enough time for her haircut.
(She wanted to color her hair too but she made another appointment for that.)
And since her birthday is coming up, Suzuki and I paid for the haircuts.
Actually, I was already getting my haircut but the hairdresser made us wait in the waiting area really quick.
I wasn't mad. I just felt uncomfortable with an unfinished haircut.
But after five minutes, he took me back and finished my hair. xD
After our haircuts, we went downstairs to go eat Italian. :b
Found a big white hair on Suzuki's head. xD
Went to Barnes & Nobles.
The plan was that I distracted our mom while Suzuki bought a gift card for her birthday.
It worked.
And also, I was taking photos of random guys from various manga for a friend.
She wanted ideas for a hairstyle and described a bit to me.
So while I was there, I thought it would help if I just took pictures of what I thought she might like lol.
Couldn't resist.
Busy, busy day.
After Barnes & Nobles, we went to a seed store.
Suzuki being... Suzuki.
Chocolate stones.
They look like rocks but they're actually chocolate!
The first time I ate that was when UlQui brought a bag to high school.
I was so hooked on that.
But I resisted the urge to get this.
I'm trying to get away from sweets for a little while lol.
But although I say that, I got this...
Vanilla shave ice.
The ice was the finest ice eveeeer.
It just melts in your mouth.
No crunch to it at all.
It was like... angels.
Or something like that.
And then this is Suzuki's.
A Mango drink.
It tasted too much like an actual mango.
For this day, our two bestest friends wanted to go out to town. Since it has been forever (and I admit that we didn't hang out much during summer), it felt awesome hanging out again.
Although, we ended up staying out for longer than we thought. Suzuki and I were just a tad bit worried because we were supposed to do our homework and work on our mom's present... but I honestly did enjoy myself so I know we weren't mad at anyone. If anything, we were super tired. xD
Me when I first get up.
I am never at my best in the morning. xD
This is probably the only photo you'll ever see of me when I just woke up lol.
Myself in class.
I also just wanted to mostly show off my power ranger shirt lol.
UlQui offered us a ride (and her parents are always cool with that).
They were even kind enough to give us a ride back home too.
And UlQui moved farther away so I felt bad, but they reassured us that it was okay.
Plus, it was a good way to figure out where she lives now. xD
In the car as we were making our way to the mall.
The dad is always cool lol.
The three people I care about most.
(Besides my mom and grandma.)
UlQui, Kenny, and Suzuki.
They always had my back and understood me most.
Because we were in a glow-in-the-dark room, Suzuki's teeth glows. xD
Suzuki was deeply interested in the Gorilla's orange boob.
Suzuki took this one. xD I'm blurred out lol.
Suzuki took this one too.
We found a tiny merry-go-round and I immediately tried to sit on it.
As you can see, I'm a bit too big. xD
UlQui put in quarters without much warning so I panicked.
Then, Kenny and Suzuki jumped in while it was going and we got some pretty weird looks from parents.
Luckily, we hid our faces behind the roof of the ride and waited until the ride was over.
I've never did anything that silly in the longest time. It was refreshing lol.
They were nooooisy.
Baby chicks.
They were the fluffiest chicks I've ever saw.
And we were all wondering why there were rocking in their water bowl...
I still don't get it to this day.
They kept shoving each other to lie on the other.
This bird was trying to chew his way out.
No comment. xD
Still can't get over his short hair.
He used to have a long braid but chopped it off.
You gotta do what you gotta do in the military lol.
(But I heard today that he's going to go to college instead now.)
UlQui. c:
She actually let me take this one. xD She's adorable though.
I honestly can't ever stop adoring her lol.
She just means that much. <3
My Curry Chicken.
(Hated the cucumbers. They threw off the flavor. xD)
UlQui's Kim-Chee Udon.
Kenny's Spicy Ahi Donburi.
Suzuki's Ahi Lovers.
Kenny trolling by the red truck.
This is before we left the mall. xD We were just being the most random dorks.
But after leaving the mall, we ended up going to UlQui's mom's aunty's house.
They were really nice.
And they have one or two dogs.
Plus, twenty cats.
I'm not kidding.
Oh and the aunty thought Suzuki and I were the opposite gender LOL. xD It was hilarious.
I think these were the stray cats that they adopted.
There were at least 5 cats up there.
With Suzuki's natural cat whispering skills, we befriended 2 cats.
We took two hours trying to warm up to the cats. xD But we realize it was really late so we left.
And UlQui's mom was insisting that we come over for dinner so we took the offer.
We had steak, corn, and mushrooms...
Man. All this talk of food makes me hungry lol.
Kenny's hand spazz dance.
We stayed for about an hour before asking them to take us back home.
I felt good all over knowing that we'll always be welcome to UlQui's family.
Oh and I'm just gonna throw this in:
Earlier this month, two unfamiliar numbers texted me each one picture that had something to do with a cat. I thought it was pretty hilarious.
But I got a little worried because they're from here on Hawaii.
So I'm not sure if it's someone I know or just a stranger...
But that's the only time they texted me so I guess they're strangers lol.
9-15-12 (Warning: Bitter stuff.)
Although I'm trying to fill my blog with mostly good, memorable stuff... I feel as though I need to mention this for my own sake.
I'm not ready to talk about the details yet, but one day, I want to. I'll probably even make a video on here because I think typing it out won't really convey my feelings about what happened.
But if you've been reading many of my entries, I'm assuming you would know how I sometimes go through emotional fits and have a tendency to shut in or break down... yeah.
If not, then yeah. Once in a blue moon, I tend to basically crack open and go through different depressing stages. I'm not bipolar or anything... I just hold a lot in and explode at home (which is something I've been trying to work on for the longest time... My blog is actually something I've been doing to try keep myself in track). My family has been trying to get me to open up to them for about a year or so now.
Well, on this day... I actually attempted self-harm.
I managed to stop before I left an open wound. My mom gave me a pep talk about how I still have a long way to go in life. Suzuki told me that I have people who love me and she would stick up for me. I came to my senses and basically calmed down and listened to them. Both of them told me that they had a feeling that there was something wrong with me so I told them the truth and everything.
Even today, I'm still shaken up. I've never felt that... lost.
But I'm picking up the pieces of myself day by day. It's still a long way to go but I know I just feel better than I did compared to this day. Again, I don't want to go too much into detail until I'm ready.
Nothing too big but a few things happened.
First of all, I actually started nodding off to sleep in art class. xD I hardly do that, but when I do... I really need to pass out. Seriously. I couldn't even comprehend what I wrote in my notes because I was half-asleep. orz
But I woke myself up and ate a peppermint. It helped.
Then, we went out with out grandma to our usual Japanese restaurant called, Maru-Hi.
Afterwards, we stopped by a small little shop and bought one keychain for our mom since her birthday is tomorrow. While we were there, Suzuki and I saw a bunny keychain that we both like but didn't know what anime it was from... but it was still something we liked very much.
Our grandma ended up insisting that she would get it for us so we both have one of our own.
This is mine (although Suzuki's one looks exactly the same lol):
It's now attached to my school bag. xD
Well that's it now.
Ahhh I spent an hour doing this lol. orz
But tomorrow is my mom's birthday (I think I said this three times) and I'm hoping it'll go perfectly. Actually, I'm supposed to do homework but OH WELL.
Haha yeah. Can't wait! xD