Friday, June 7, 2013

Second semester review!

There's not much to say but my previous semester ended up being a lot more chill than I expected. I needed that. :D I also took classes that were more in the afternoon so I adjusted much faster in the classes. 

Japanese 101 was a breeze and I often thought, "I should've taken the placement test to go higher" due to my 4 years of Japanese in high school. But I'm glad I didn't since there was quite a lot of things I didn't know lol. (It was either my 3rd or 4th year in high school that we were told about our lessons being basically screwed up so I was aware that we might have missed a lot while trying to rush and catch up to the other classes.) My only weakness in this class was being social, but it slowly got better and I managed to make friends and got comfortable with being paired up with anybody towards the end. The teacher already knew I was a twin since I sat in once during one of Tamotsu's class. It was funny seeing her reaction. (A lot of people knew me as the red ranger too.) Anyway, the teacher eventually became able to tell us apart and she was very kind. In fact, I plan to take her Japanese 102 class next semester despite that the class time is longer since it's only for two days per week but I rather stick with her while I can. As for my classmates, a lot of them haven't took Japanese before and I tried my best to help them as much as I can. And actually, I think that was the most challenging part for this class. They eventually made me feel like such an ass though since I made it look easy so I often had to hold myself back so they can figure it out themselves. In the end, I had to praise them for their hard efforts and they really did learn a lot through this short time. Maybe in the next semester I can see them again during my breaks and help them if they continue on with Japanese.
Oh yeah. I also feel like I messed up a lot towards the end. I hope my teacher doesn't think I slack off towards the end lol. I don't know why it happened but I guess I just got nervous with the final oral exam...

I also took English 100 after succeeding 22 an 24 in my first semester. I just wanted to get it done with and I did. Though, I think I screwed up a lot in that class since I wasn't used to handing essay after essay. (I think my problem was just getting ideas because putting them together wasn't so bad.) Despite that, I got to take the class with the same teacher who taught one of my previous English classes and she always made each day much more interesting. xD I also had Tamotsu and a couple of old classmates in that class so whenever our teacher got into conversations about her dog/marijuana/etc, we'd all laugh like it was an inside joke and had to explain to the others who were so damn confused. There were a bit of few problems I encountered. One, I eventually had a C at one point because I didn't turn in one essay and it really brought me down. I managed to never miss a paper again but it was difficult bringing it up. Second, Tamotsu and I at one point felt like we were being insulted by a fellow classmate. Now, we don't easily get riled up (or I at least I don't but Tamotsu is fairly good at keeping a lid on it) but there was a girl who actually argued with us about whether or not we were identical twins. I am aware that we don't look alike and, quite frankly, I see more differences myself but she kept claiming we were fraternal twins because "identical twins are supposed to look exactly alike." I never brought up a fight and Tamotsu had to constantly explain to her about the real differences between fraternal and identical, but this girl refused to listen so it was difficult. Also, we (along with another lady who was kind) noticed that she was a bit of a cling-on and emphasize the means of friendship in a way that was kind of obsessive. Not only that, but she would switch Tamotsu's papers with mine right in front of us and refused to give it to the right person until we took the other's and switched it amongst ourselves. (It was her way of playing a game but I did ask her to stop and it lessened a bit.) Despite all of that, we still managed to be on good terms so we overlooked it and tried our best to work with her while drawing some lines. I really don't think she is bad person and the teacher confirmed (without her being there) that the girl has some issues with boundaries so we understood and continued to work with her anyway. The whole "fraternal twins" issue drew to a close when Tamotsu and I had to write on the board and a few old classmates were teasing us a bit until the same girl had somehow told the whole class that we were fraternal once again. It made a very uncomfortable and awkward silence, but the teacher was the one that defended for us by explaining to her what Tamotsu has already told her. And I guess by hearing this from someone else, the girl immediately dropped it and hardly brought it up. (She still believed her own claim but kept it to herself now.) Once that was over with, Tamotsu and I were actually a lot more happy. We weren't picking a fight and we still tried our best to work with her still... it was just difficult to stand there and be told that you're something else when clearly you know what you are. 
Anyway, once we took our final exam, I was pretty down. It was the last time we were going to take that class with that teacher, whom Tamotsu and I eventually realized was our favorite teacher yet. Once we finished and turned it in (I was really slow on it so I was one of the last few to leave along with Tamotsu who had waited), that teacher got up from her chair and hugged us before we left. (And it surprised me because she explained in our first semester that she has some physical problems where if she was touched in certain places, she feels intense pain so it really freaked me out. And I will admit that I have wanted to hug this woman before after all her constant compliments towards us being adorable and precious to her. xD) But we hugged her back and made a deal that we would visit her. Tamotsu and I planned that someday we would give her some chocolates as a thank-you present too. :D She's just that freakin' awesome. (And I passed that class with a high B I think.)

Math 82 was either pass or no pass class. No in-between. It was pretty easy and, since it was mostly an online class, we only had to go to class every monday which was good for our schedule. Towards the end, I started to mess up a bit but I managed to pass it anyway and that's all that really mattered. I also liked the teacher since he was kinda chill but I had trouble talking to him. Apparently, I'm very withdrawn when I'm focused on math and in quiet rooms where everyone can hear you. xD But the awesome thing was how he and Tamotsu shared a love for the color orange lol. He had to wear a red shirt for our first class, but once in awhile, he came with an orange jacket and Tamotsu had liked that jacket. We both passed that class and had no worries..... except maybe me messing up on the last tests but thank the luck for re-takes!

Lastly, I had Psychology 101. It counts as a science class and I wanted to get this over with while I had easy classes lol. It was pretty cool but I really wasn't into the subject very much. I had expected Tamotsu to help me through it since she was usually interested and actually considered in studying the field but we both realized that we were wrong. We ended up procrastinating a lot but we somehow passed the class. xD Tamotsu had a C at one point and I sorta knew I should be a little under her since I got lower scores on the tests... but because I didn't ask (shame on me), I ended up forcing myself to do better and wait til the final grades showed up............ and I got a FREAKIN A IN THAT CLASS. xD It was an awesome result since I had warned my family about getting a C in that class but we all celebrated haha~ It was nice. 
I had really liked the teacher since she was a humble older woman who called everyone "sweeties." She also brought candy and fruits to class in hopes that no one would come or leave hungry and get frustrated. The class felt very home-like if anything lol. And she eventually noticed Tamotsu and I being twins and laughed every time she had to explain the study of twins since it was kinda awkward... but overall, the experience was worth it. 

I didn't really socialize too much since I could go to school later, but I did help and go out with some people and it was something out of my comfort zone. Again, my second semester ended up being more relaxing so hopefully it'll be like that for next semester.

Well, that's all I got for college. Starting to get the hang of it. Hopefully I'll get to drive soon so I stop bugging my grandma... but anyway, it was nice to look back. Let's hope next semester will be just as good as this one. ;D (Especially since I signed up for Speech class.... oh boy!)