Monday, July 30, 2012


Today has been one of the most productive days in a long while. And one that was filled with lots of worry. Later tonight- since it's about early afternoon now- we'll worry some more. I just want this to hurry up and get it over with. 

But I don't want to talk about the stress. I want to remember the actual good/funny parts of the day. 

It start off with me getting no sleep. Again.
Because of the weather, my allergies were acting up. My mom offered me pills but I refused them since I thought it was going away. I was dead wroooong lol.
Around 3 AM, I was uncomfortable, fidgeting, unable to breathe (allergies), and AWAKE. Worst possible situation to be in, right? 
But then again, because of all the stress I had to do today, Suzuki made me realize that I was just nervous to face it. Ugh. Still, it was a pain.
So I ended up staying up all night until my mom got up. After she showered, I showered and went straight for the cold water to help keep my brain functioning since I knew I was gonna eventually be tired later in the day. 
Then, I called up my grandma (who was going to be the one driving us all over the place) and tried to reassure her of what we're doing as well as asking her to bring Suzuki and I a soda each. I just needed the sugar.

Then we headed off and did what we could. 

I got pictures so I'll just put it up before my brain explodes from having to re-read everything to check if I'm not messing up here. Yeah. The exhaustion is finally hitting now lol. 

As soon as we got out of our apartment, Max (neighbor's cat) was sitting here waiting for us.
We had to get going though so I just brought my hand half-way and she rubbed her head against my knuckles like she usually does. 
She mewed so much, though. Mostly 'cause she wanted a good rubbing.
I apologized aloud and it was amazing how she just lied back down as if saying "ok" by gesture. 
She's just never seems to not surprise me how much she can understand.
Well, she is smart.

I couldn't resist and had to do this.
My grandma and Suzuki were calling out Max to grab her attention to us for me to get a good picture... 

Unfortunately... They grabbed her attention too much. 

My grandma tried to wait but she started the car and Max ran a bit.
Suzuki (who got out of the car to try lure her away) comforted Max before we left.

We made it to where we had to go and... found this.
There was only one.
I still wonder even now how this could've happened.

We left and went to kill an hour by getting breakfast.
I was getting soup so I had this fancy soup spoon.
My grandma and Suzuki were making fun of me after this was taken because they noticed I take pictures of the oddest things.
Well, not that I'm denying it.
It's just hard to explain how much the little things in life can be the most...
Uh. Interesting?
Let's go with that lol.

My soup. Portuguese Bean Soup.
I had a small and that is what it looks like.
The bowl was tiny enough for me to want to take it.
My grandma said she had one similar to this.
Then, I had the biggest fascination to use a bowl like this to drink tea out of it.
A tea bowl.
They both laughed pretty hard.
I was still pretty persistent on the idea, though.

Suzuki's breakfast.
A Veggie Omlet with two scoop Fried Rice.
I took a small bite and thought it was good.
Maybe next time I'll get that...

The bigger bowl of soup was my grandma's. 
We shared that two scoop of rice.
I just put my bowl next to her's to compare the small and the regular sizes together lol.

Suzuki went crazy with the ketchup.
My grandma and I hate ketchup with eggs.
It was nasty. It still is.

Despite eating Portuguese Bean Soup, I can't stand beans.
So I dumped them here.

I also can't bring myself to eat the Portuguese sausage. 
Even though it defeats the purpose of the soup...
I just can't.

Actually, I inherit this dissatisfaction to beans from my grandma lol.
But she'll at least eat some.

What was left of our rice.
We should've just got one scoop of rice and split.
Oh well lol.

Slipper/Flip Flop is me.
Black shoe with orange laces is Suzuki.
The dark blue shoes are my grandmother.

Decided to go back home for a bit.
Here, my grandmother is handing our house dog, Lohi, a small treat.
She's spoiled, though.
If we didn't care so much, she'd be as fat and round as a blimp.

Suzuki petting our outside dog, Lani.
Lani was crying hysterically when we came out.
She gets lonely real easily.
But she loves her bones lol.

Speaking of bones, it was shortly after that picture was taken that I realized that I'm the only one in the family who is the fastest at stealing her bone. 
I mean, Lani is fast when she knows that someone is up to something.
I dunno though.
I honestly thought that everyone else was just lazy.

Not much, but this is my grandma's backyard.
The green pots are for growing tomatoes lol. 
We used to have a shed on the right of this picture but took it down since it just wore down.
And where the other two pots on the left are, there were swings.
We still have them, but no one swings on them anymore. 

It's fun when you're facing the sky and you swing high enough to see so much of the houses ahead. It's really an awesome sight. You just gotta be confident though to go that high lol.

We used to have a toooon of them but after my great grandma passed away, no one could take care of them.
My grandma is slowly growing some, but not so much like her mother did.

Lani was either begging for me to stay or come into the house when I wanted to go inside.
Either way, she just started to lie down and look up at me like this.
I literally couldn't get her to stop.

I was suddenly teasing her by stomping. (She usually thinks I'm about to playfully chase her.)
This shot was when she sat up right when she registered what I was doing.
A couple of teasing and she almost jumped on top of me to lick my face. xD

I touched the door knob and she immediately went into this position.
She actually lifted one of her front paws. It meant she wanted to be rub on her chest.
But I managed to caught her tongue lol.

You probably can't see it that well, but she's reaaaally lying on my feet.
By this time, my grandma was asking me what was taking so long.
And I told her that Lani was begging and not letting me even open the door.
I mean, when you get this much love signals... How does one resist?

I'm such a sucker for this dog.

We went back!
Took a picture of this tree. It was my third time seeing it again so I finally snapped a shot.

Finally going home for good and I saw my reflection on a car.
My hair was a complete mess by the wind. 
So I fixed it but the wind was still blowing.
So I took this.
My semi-frown is awkward. My apologies.

In the car now.
My hair was just all over lol.
And I know I look like I'm making those duck-faces.
I didn't mean to.
I was just trying to smile.
But it somehow turned into that.
I really didn't want to make a duck-face lol.

Well that's it for now.
I'm just seriously out of it now. Maybe I'll take a nap... nah. I might as well wait until it's evening. Well, maybe a little nap wouldn't hurt. Ugggh.

Oh. Just for kicks, I'll add a song from a j-rock band I just recently got addicted to. I can say I like it almost as I like BORN but BORN has some qualities that just top everything else. The band is called Eat You Alive.

Enjoy and beware of wind.